Thursday, January 7, 2010

War of My Life

I don't really believe in New Year's Resolutions. Not that I don't believe in trying to improve yourself, your life, or contributing to the greater good. I just don't believe in setting yourself up to failure. I mean, seriously, most people's resolutions last what, a couple of weeks if that? I think people miss the point when a new year rolls around. "This year, I'm going to loose that ten pounds" "This year I'm going to be less selfish and more about others" "This year, I'm not going to loose my temper so easily..." "This year, I'm not getting on facebook so much..." "This year, I'm not going to spend so much money on shoes..." This year.....

Let's be honest. Whats going to make you keep those resolutions? Consistently. My wager... fat chance. You must be thinking I'm that 'half glass empty' kind of girl. Honestly, I'm not. I'm actually quite optimistic when it comes to alot of things. All I'm saying is this, don't set rules. You will only break them. Life is war. Life is war with yourself everyday. Just as John Mayer says, " I'm in the war of my life. I'm at the core of my life. I've got no choice but to fight till its done."

Fight what? Fight yourself. Fight what keeps you held back. Just be prepared to fight with yourself all the time this year. Some days you will loose. Some days you will win. But keep the good fight, my friends. Fight on.

With that said, I'm not promising a blog entry every day this year. But when I do write, I will promise it will be from the heart every time.

Stay warm out there.


  1. I agree...

    I think Vince Vaugn said it best,

    "I have found that if you have a goal, that you might not reach it. But if you don't have one, you are never disappointed. And I gotta tell ya.. it feels phenomenal."

  2. Great quote :) Thanks for the post!
